Descriptive Research: Cost-Benefit Analysis Of Runamok

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ds which is important as more relevant and accurate information can be gathered.
Descriptive research describes the associations between different variables such as advertising and sales. The data accumulated here will be mostly gathered by quantitative research methods. This will ensure the data is factual, and presented with actual figures and percentages that will strengthen the reliability of our research. By applying descriptive research the aim is to complete the series of actionable objectives such as: To perform a cost/benefit analysis of sports sponsorship. This will inform the team of the cost to be incurred of completing a sports sponsorship for RUNAMOK and will also tell the benefits carrying out such a task. This will allow our …show more content…

These are a perfect fit for RunAMOK to choose for conducting their research. Focus groups are a form of research in which a group of people are asked about their perceptions, opinions, beliefs, and attitudes towards a product, service, concept, advertisement, idea, or packaging. When using focus groups the questions asked by the moderator will stimulate a conversation, which in turn will lead to data and insights which would be less achievable without the group setting. Using this method RunAmok can stimulate memories, ideas and experiences in other participants which could yield exciting ideas for the business to avail of. Also by obtaining people’s views who are not directly involved in the business, any problems or potential problems can be ironed out before they become a real issue. Also, the financial incentives of using a focus group is clear for RunAMOK. The speed and mass of data collected and relative financial value of conducting a focus group means focus groups are the …show more content…

Behaviour - past, present or intended
4. Classification variables, demographics and socio - economic variables
Surveys are normally associated with cross sectional data. According to Domegan and Fleming this data is “a description of variables and their association at one point in time”. The most common marketing research surveys are cross sectional (surveys of cross sections of populations).
Survey research relies on a questionnaire or other measuring instrument to record responses. By conducting survey research the team must develop an understanding of the area to be researched. To do this correctly other research methods such as observational research and secondary data research are to be used to support, improve and supplement the chosen survey method rather than replace it.
During the survey research stage great diligence must be undertaken to ensure that error is as minimal as possible. Types of errors that can occur include;
1. Sampling error - Occurs when selecting samples that are not representative of the population.
2. Response error - This occurs when respondents for whatever reason give an incorrect answer.
3. Non - response error - Occurs when respondents refuse to be interviewed or cannot be

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