Desegregation In Schools

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“To be black in America / Is to be treated like dirt- / To be forever hurt. / It’s a way of life. / It’s endless strife. / To be black in America / Is to never be free- / To be cut from a tree. / It’s a sea of woe. / It’s a swift death blow.” (Arnez 11-20). The state of Arkansas in 1957 was the prime focus due to their effort to attempt to integrate blacks and whites. Schools were being utilized as a tool to demonstrate segregation and to empower whites once again. However, The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), a group that worked for constitutional right for blacks, had decided to fight to end unequal education by helping black parents file lawsuits. The mixture of all these lawsuits came to be known as the Brown v. Board of Education (BOE) case to solve the issue of …show more content…

The case was one of the biggest turning points for African Americans to becoming accepted into white society at the time and to achieve the rights they always should have had; education. Nonetheless, many series of events led up to the occurrence of desegregation in all schools in the nation similar to how history is made up of a series of continuous events. The Supreme Court decides "separate but equal" is unconstitutional which induced white opposition, integration of Central High School, and the event of public schools closing for a year.
To begin, white opposition was present in many forms in the time when integration was flourishing. Many people opposed the idea of “separate but equal” and it had caused violence and tension. For example, in the text of Little Rock Nine it observes, “When Elizabeth Eckford arrived at the campus