Essay On Wood Deterioration

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RESULTS Y DISCUSSION In first instance, visual observation aloowed to observed the good performance of all the treatments as a protective and consolidating system. All treated wood presented the reversation of deterioration rehydration and crack sealant before the application; acting as a biocide too, Figure 1. Figure 1. Deteriored wood after y before treatment. a) deteriored wood b) wood after cleaner c) wood treated just after it was applied d) wood after treatment curing Anti-swelling effectiveness. As known, the wood cell wall is mainly composed of polymers with hydroxyl and other oxygen-containing groups, which attract moisture through hydrogen bonding. As water is added to the cell wall, wood volume increases nearly proportionally to the volume of water added. Swelling increases until the cell wall is saturated: this point is called fiber saturation point. This process is reversible, and wood shrinks as it loses moisture below the fiber saturation point. Furthermore, wood also stocks water outside of fibers, which does not contribute to swelling; this is called free water and it is found in the empty cell structures and/or interstitial spaces. The …show more content…

that the coating is formed on a cluster of cells enclosing an untreated core. The aforementioned would base the total wood protection employing only low levels of

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