Detrimental Effects Of Being In An Abusive Relationship

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Being abused does not mean that you are loved. People go into relationships thinking that everything is perfect, and then everything seems to go wrong. Abusive relationships are quite common within teenagers and adults. An abusive relationship can be physical, as well as emotional. Abusive behaviors in a relationship could include beating, continuously putting your partner down, threatening, excessive control, etc. Being in a physically or emotionally abusive relationship causes negative effects to a person’s thoughts, actions, and future relationships. One of the most detrimental effects of being in a relationship that is physically or mentally abusive is the way the person may begin to feel. When someone is in an abusive relationship, their partner starts to make makes them feel as though they are weak and worthless. They might believe the lies that their partner is telling them about their appearance, personality, etc. Their mental health can deteriorate over time when in an abusive relationship, and they can start to develop depression, anxiety, PTSD, or any other kind of mental illness. There could even be some extreme cases where people’s feelings of worthlessness due to their relationship cause them to contemplate suicide. …show more content…

People who are exposed to physical or emotional abuse in a relationship may start to act as if they are detached from their lives. They may distance themselves from their loved ones because they are depressed, or because their partner tells them to do so. They might also begin to experiment with substances such as drugs or alcohol to take away the pain that they feel. Again, there are extreme cases where being in an abusive relationship can cause people to self-harm or even attempt suicide due to the amount of pain they feel and how it affects their entire