Careless Me Ultima Case Study Glycema

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Fatima is 69 years old Jordanian woman, a widow since she was 35 years old, lived in Kuwait until she is 50 years, then she came to live in Jordan. Fatima has 2 daughters living in Amman and 4 sons living in Saudi Arabia. She lives in Amman in an apartment alone. Fatima has type2 diabetes, uncontrolled by oral medication. Fatima is not committed to medical advice regarding her prescribed diet, exercise, and medication regimen. Sometimes, Fatima is invited to delicious meals in her daughter's houses which are a problem when adjusting her diet, as she likes to eat rice and bread when family gatherings are centered around meals. Foods high in carbohydrate content and calories may contribute to her lack of glycemic control. She enjoys being with …show more content…

C-The maintenance of sufficient intake of food: Fatima is not taking a planned diet, in that it interferes with her glycemic control.
D-The provision of care associated with elimination processes and excrements: Fatima complains from poor bowel pattern, sometimes she seeks medical intervention to solve the problem.
E- The maintenance of balance between activity and rest: Fatima sleeps about 7hours daily, feel hypoactive and no desire to perform any home activities.
F - The maintenance of balance between solitude and social interaction: Fatima lives alone in her apartment, her daughters are busy with their own families, and they may meet at the weekend
G- The prevention of hazards to human life, human functioning and human well-being: Fatima is liable to hazards such as falling down, burns and cut wounds because she has to perform the necessary daily activities alone.
H- The promotion of human functioning and development with social groups in accord with human potential, known human limitations, and human desire to be normal: Fatima feels powerless to manage her disease because of deficient social support, Fatima wishes to be good but she believes that she doesn't have the capability to do

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