Diabetes Personal Statement Essay

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I would to express my grateful thanks to my academic supervisors: Dr Jane Ryan from Cardiff and Mrs Zakiya AL Mamari for OSNI for their guidance, encouragement and direction to accomplish my projects. I would also thanks to the technicians of the library for helping me of choosing appropriate books for my projects. Additionally, special thanks of the diabetic staff nurses from the Boucher Poly Clinic and Diabetic and Endocrine Center for providing me with information during my searching for statistics.
Secondly, special thanks for family: my mother, father, brothers and sisters for supporting me to continue my study in Cardiff University. The special thanks should be given for my husband for being very uncourageous …show more content…

Moreover, DSME/S enhances the diabetic patient to take responsibility to change and modify their lifestyle and unhealthy behaviour to achieve their goal in diabetes management. Additionally, varieties of educational programs for diabetic patients available; one of the effective programs is National Standard for diabetes self-management education and support training. This DSME/S programme imitated by AADE and the American Diabetes Association (ADA) includes all the expertise (diabetic patients, diabetic staffs nurse, health educators, specialists and the researchers) in US. The cornerstone of this standard is ongoing education and support by the healthcare professionals to the diabetic patients to assist them to change their unhealthy behaviours and coping with their disease (Haas et al …show more content…

HbA1c is surely an important signal exhibiting the actual severity involving diabetes mellitus. Mulnier et al (2013) outlined that maintaining the normal range of blood glucose can produce good diabetes outcomes and prevent the risk for further diabetes complications. According to Stratton et al (2000) cited in Yuna et al (2014, pp5) described that every 1% reduction of the HbA1c level results in a 37% decrease of cardiovascular diseases, a 21% lessening of diabetes-related