Diary Of Anne Frank Research Paper

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Between the years 1939-1945 the world went through some major changes. In 1939 Germany had invaded Poland, starting World War II. The Nazis had overrun much of Europe. In 1942, the Nazis began to transport millions of Jews from all across Europe and were forced on labor camps and extermination camps. In Poland, a quarter of the prisoners were worked to death. The rest were worked to death or were gassed as they arrived. When the Allied forces finally occupied Germany and Poland in 1945, the camps were liberated. The “Final Solution” had already resulted in the deaths of about six million Jews.These historical events are reflected in the play The Diary of Anne Frank by showing how two families struggle to survive while hiding from the Nazis. …show more content…

Frank,Mrs.Frank,Mr.Van Daan, and Mrs. Van Daan. The group of Jews go into hiding from the Nazis in 1942. A man named Mr.kraler is the one who is able to help them by letting the group hide in his building in the attic. There they stay for two years. There is also a woman named Miep. Miep was the person who would bring them news and all their necessities. Throughout the diary the people in the group become very stressed because of the events happening outside. At the beginning of the story, the group go into hiding in the attic of Mr.Kraler’s building. The attic would be their home from now on until the Jews would be free from the Nazis. They could never leave the attic for any means. On the night of hanukkah, they hear a crash of something falling. They all are frozen in horror. Mr.Frank turns out a light near him. He motions to peter to turn off the center lamp. Peter tries to reach it, realizing he cannot, he gets up on a chair. When he is touching the lamp he loses his balance and he falls. They later found out that it was a thief who had made the noise. The thief had stolen the radio and the cash box. On page 148 of my textbook Mr.frank says, “ He took the cah box. And the radio. He ran away in such a hurry that he didn’t stop to shut the street door. It was swinging wide