Diet Analysis: The Wild Diet

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This week the world was introduced to The Wild Diet while watching the show My Diet Is Better Than Yours. This show puts five different diets up against each other to see which one is the best. The Wild Diet Plan is one that obviously is working and now fans are wondering about this diet and if it might work for them. New York Post shared all about this diet so that viewers can see if The Wild Diet plan is one they want to try.

So how does The Wild Diet plan work? You will be eating real and natural ingredients. You can even eat bacon and burgers, but you don 't get processed food on this diet. You can even have whole grains and some low-sugar alcohol on this diet. Abel James, the man behind The Wild Diet, shared why this diet works.

"By …show more content…

He explains how once upon a time food was real food and that just isn 't really the case anymore. The secret of The Wild Diet is that yo go back to roots and stop eating all of the processed food that you can find in the store today. He even has a recipe for chocolate pudding that is approved for this …show more content…

#Fat Burning #Chef Recipes Wild #Diet

— denver chefdude (@denverchefdude) December 29, 2015 If you do The Wild Diet, then you get a diet more flexible than Paleo. Half of your plate is expected to be plant based, but you also get to eat other things you love. Abel James even explained that sometimes you have no idea what you are eating and it is not something you want to put in your body.

"Think you’re better off eating foods with “natural flavor”? Chew on this: secretions from the anal glands of beavers produce a bitter, smelly, orange-brown substance known as castoreum that is used extensively in vanilla and raspberry flavoring. It’s legally labeled as “natural flavoring.”"

On The Wild Diet, you will be eating things that were once alive and healthy. This is things such as fruit, veggies and meat. A lot of people are sugar free on this diet. One big tip that he has is to eat out of the fridge and not the pantry. He also says that you don 't want to count calories, but instead that you want to read ingredients. Here is what Abel James has to say about working out on The Wild