Difference Between Flexible And Rigid Thinking

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Thinking is the abstract ability and feature of human being that the mind is talking to itself as a result of hearing, watching, observing, or touching (a phenomenon or object). In other words, it is the software of processing social phenomena, ideas, and perceptions and is stored and installed in mind performing its functions based on the capacity of mind, physical well-being of body and social and physical environments.
Why assimilate to software? Software is something intangible (thinking) stored and installed on hard disk (physical object of mind) of a computer (body) and run on processor (mind) to process data (generate ideas, opinion, perceptions etc.)
As a result of thinking, the individual makes an image of a phenomenon or object in …show more content…

Flexible and Rigid Thinking
a. Flexible Thinking
The kind of thinking of that could be easily changed and affected according to physical condition of body, social and physical environment. It could have both positive and negative aspects. It might be good because throughout changes a person can reform and improve him or herself. It is bad for the reason that it would worsen the bad behavior and habits of a person. As is more chances of betterment so more for worsening.
b. Rigid Thinking
Rigid thinking is neither changed nor affected easily by the social and physical environment. The person thinks the same way in every condition though good or bad. It could also be evaluated as good or bad in its nature. It is good if the person is on the better way of thinking, behaving and doing and may have good consequences both for him or her and the society in which he or she lives. It is bad, if the case is opposite and so will be the result of his or her thinking.
2. Critical Thinking
Critical thinking is the process of mind that generates ideas opinion and perceptions uniquely that could be questioned. Critical thinking could be both positive and negative.
a. Positive Critical …show more content…

Even they see the light as dark. Focus is only on the negative aspects of a phenomenon, idea, opinion, people and the whole society. It is also called pessimistic thinking. Let’s have an example of a person who made boat with some extra features in England and wanted to show it people in a river. At the time of show there were some negative or pessimistic thinkers. When the person wanted to show it, the pessimists and negative thinkers crying that it will not start! When the boat started then they were crying that it will not

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