Difference Between Haptic And Kinesthetic Approach

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Haptic or Kinesthetic Approach Haptic comes from the Greek word haptos, which means “laying hold of”. This approach actively incorporates the photographer into the whole process. The photographer is heavily involved the entire process. To relate that idea to today, it is similar to a photographer setting up their scene, changing the settings on camera and then manipulating in Photoshop or darkroom, then printing it. This results in the photographer being involved in every step of each image. Haptic photographers take a more “hands on” approach to art. The photographer isn’t worried about capturing an accurate image, the photographer is more worried about capturing the emotion and creating a message. For example, a Haptic photographer may …show more content…

This allows the artist to make emotion clearer. Since these photographers aren’t too concerned about an image looking non-manipulated and realistic, Haptic photographers of more freedom in the post process. One photographer who has participated in this approach is Robert Hirsch. He would print his images on material that wasn’t plates or photo paper. One material he used was Kodalith. Other ways to change the image occurred during the printing or developing of the image. For example, movement during development or with an enlarger and manipulating the toning. Things that occurred after the image is printed include: hand coloring, and appropriated images. Despite that a lot of “popular” photographs appear to be realistic and accurate, this approach is still relevant today. The amount a photographer uses Photoshop on one image can come out to be a Heptic looking photograph. Now, they way Haptic photographers manipulated their images can nearly be replicated in Photoshop. There are photographers who strictly “manipulate” their images slightly, so it is still realistic. Others throw the idea of accuracy out the window and manipulate their images as much as needed to create a mood. Neither one is better, they both have