
Direct-To-Consumer Ethics

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Marketing and advertising play an important role in different types of industries. These aspects represent essential channels for companies to communicate with their customers and access their mind to increase awareness about offered products and services (Marta et al., 2013). Proper marketing and advertising activities turn out to impact positively the profitability and sales of contemporary organizations. Therefore, before choosing any medium of marketing or advertising, it is a basic step for a company to give consideration to all legal and ethical issues to ensure that they increase the ratio of customers to purchase goods and services, thereby increase its profitability. If companies do not give proper consideration to ethical and legal …show more content…

This type of marketing is effective for small and medium sized businesses, but in pharmaceutical companies it is considered to be unethical because of concerns related to people's health (Santoro & Gorrie, 2005). These days, most drug companies tend to adopt different marketing strategies to create awareness about the medicines they offer to individuals. On the contrary, a drug is an essential and sensitive product in the marketplace, which needs to be examined before being placed in the market. It can directly affect the health of the patient if prescriptions are administered in an irrelevant or unethical …show more content…

One of the major categories existing is where pharmacies are known as compounding pharmacies. The main purpose is to focus on distribution of unusual or specified drugs (Shaw, 2012). Another purpose of compounding pharmacies is to focus on the production of drugs by differentiating each drug with different dosage such as mgs, volume etc., which are not usually produced. The products of such type of drugs assist patients with specific needs, such as allergies from coloring agents. Moreover, the compounding pharmacies are likely to supply the specific amount of a particular substance per medicine, and they evaluate and obtain license to sustain a higher level of standardized medicine development (Cohen, Illingworth, & Schuklenk, 2006). Therefore, the FDA is an agency, which is involved in ensuring the quality level of medicines and inspect the packaging, labeling, mixing and preparation of all

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