Australian Marketing Ethics Essay

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Prioritizing Ethical Concerns forthe Australian Marketing Research Profession

“If you do not act with integrity … you are not likely to enjoy the kind of reputation that will keep good people in your employ, or keep customers coming back for your products or services.”– John Ralph.

Often businesses involve in unethical and corrupt behavior towards others are found to be giving statement such as “it’s nothing personal, it’s just business”. For many, this statement justifies any wrong doing to another because it’s rationalized in the accumulation of wealth. This was exactly the case when Pacific Brands (Bonds/King Gee) CEO Sue Morphet sent the jobs of 300 Illawarra textile workers overseas. It implied that value could only be found in financial wealth, and that there is little or no value in social and ethical responsibility. (Roberts, 2010)
Australian are very much exposed or we can say related to unethical business practice on both macro and micro level, from the fondness of cheap foreign workers over long standing Australian workers; the selling of Australian mines to foreign Governments; insider trading; to the bribing of local Government councilors to het developments projects signed or favored that are not in the interests of the communities they represent. All the examples that are mentioned above have one thing in common; the use of …show more content…

On the other hand to the popular myth that ethics and profits do not mix, the patter of these markets has proved highly profitable. For example, 20% of US clothing sales are now plus-size.[10] Another example is the selective marketing of health care, so that unprofitable sectors (i.e. the elderly) will not attempt to take benefits to which they are entitled.[11] A further example of market exclusion is the pharmaceutical industry's exclusion of developing countries from AIDS