Disadvantages Of Qualitative Research

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DQ #2: What are the major advantages and challenges to using a qualitative approach in social science research? Apply these advantages and challenges to your topic of interest.

Data collection methods in Social Science research may be grouped into three main categories namely: Quantitative, Qualitative and Mixed research. The research method is basic to the success of any research activity and is essential to maintaining the integrity of research. Krishnamurthi, Cabrera, and Karlovsky, (2004) argue that the selection of the appropriate data collection instruments and their correct use help to reduce or eliminate the likelihood of errors. (Krishnamurthi, Cabrera, and Karlovsky, 2004).
Qualitative research methods is usually associated …show more content…

The Qualitative method tend to be open ended with less structured protocols; rely more heavily on interactive interviews where respondents may be interviewed several times to follow up on a particular issue to clarify concepts or check the reliability of data and use triangulation to increase the credibility of the findings.(Krishnamurthi, Cabrera and Karlovsky,2004). These attributes give the qualitative research method the advantage of providing depth and detail. They help to look deeper than analysing ranks and counts by recording attitudes, feelings and behaviours. The open- ended questions help to encourage respondents to expand on their responses which may open up new topic areas not initially considered and help to simulate participants’ experiences. They also help to produce detailed pictures that may assist the researcher to explain why people act in certain ways and their feelings about these actions. Unlike the quantitative research, the qualitative method involves the studying of phenomena in their natural settings, rather than in a laboratory setting and thus produce results that are more true to life. Again, unlike the quantitative research, which focuses on isolating, reducing and controlling the variables involved, qualitative research obtains a holistic picture of the subject under consideration. This helps to provide rich information and highlights individual differences between the participants. Finally, it may be impossible or unethical to study a particular subject using quantitative research methods. The non-intrusive nature of qualitative research gives it is an advantage in cases where it may be impossible or unethical to study a subject using the quantitative