Belvoir College International Essay

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Today, Belvoir College International is one of the leading schools in Colombo. It stands today as a fitting tribute to the memory of Mr. H.C. Peiris, founder Chairman of Belvoir Education Foundation. He originated the Belvoir Education Foundation in 1986 and on the 10th of January 1989 Belvoir College International was born, with 24 infants in the Nursery and 11 in the primary. Mrs. G.W. Liyanage and Mrs. K. Pitigala had laid the foundation for the educational development of the school as its founder principals in charge of two sections. But at the present there are about 900 children studying at Belvoir College International Colombo. At Belvoir, the educational and developmental programme is geared, laying high emphasis on student discipline. Because the Discipleship involves obedience and willing submission to a rule of life without which …show more content…

Many methods are used to enhance discipline in schools. Among them are corporal punishment, guidance and counseling, psychological punishment and suspension from school. The use of corporal punishment was banned by the government and teachers were expected to use alternative methods. In Belvoir College International they do not use the corporal punishment as it harms and hurts the children in bad way except some teachers. But these teachers are advised or warned by the management of Belvoir college and parents can take several actions regarding these punishments. After all Punishment is one way to deal with challenging behaviour in children. It doesn’t usually work by itself. Linking the punishment, or negative consequence, to child’s behaviour and showing the child how the school would like him/her to behave will help in improving her behaviour in the future. Because of this teacher perceptions on the effectiveness are very important in a school like Belvoir College