Cooperative Principle Of Conversation Analysis

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Conversation analysis focuses on a fine grained analysis of the ways in which language is used, for example how people reply to a spoken invitations or the uses of a specific word or phrase. Some conversation analysis uses quantitative techniques.
Cooperative principle describes how effective communication in conversation is achieved in common social situations, that is, how listeners and speakers must act cooperatively and mutually accept one another to be understood in a particular way. As phrased by Paul Grice, who introduced it, "Make your contribution such as it is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged" (Grice, 1975). Furthermore, the principle is …show more content…

Therefore, the discourse analysis is not restricted only to written texts, as it could seem, it covers also talk, conversation, communicative event, etc.
Brown and Yule (1983:3) stated that “The analysis of discourse is, necessarily, the analysis of language in use”. From this point of view it is clear that only the language in its authentic natural form must be analyzed. In addition, Brown and Yule (1983: 26) stated that ‘Doing discourse analysis’ certainly involves ‘doing syntax and semantics’, but it primarily consists of ‘doing pragmatics’. Moreover, they refer to the context as to the ‘environment’ or ‘circumstances’ in which language is used. This can be considered as the simplest and the most fitting definition of context.
Discourse analysis provides a systematic description of language use by identifying that uses language, how it is used, why and when (Dijk, 1997). Individuals use language to communicate ideas (cognition) as part of a social event like a service encounter. Their use of language is also described as verbal interaction. Discourse analysis focuses on how people use language, think and interact in the context of communicative events (Baker, …show more content…

Crystal (2008) recognizes seven online situations provided by the Internet for individual and corporate interactions and he emphasizes that the linguistic choices made in each situation has significant effects on the language use. The various linguistic situations have unique features which are obviously different from the conventional spoken and written form. The different linguistic features that are associated with electronic communication are recognized by Crystal (2008) as language variety. Different Internet communication situations have different varieties that are acceptable in each of the various situations.
At Princess Alia University Collage (PAUC), which is one branch of Al-Balqa Applied University (APU), English major students study English along approximately four years with relatively a large proportion of English compared to other subjects. The concern, however, is the quality of teaching and learning English language via modern technologies.
People are living in a technological era, so privilege belongs to those who can make full use of it. Therefore, using technological advances to improve online chatting interaction for Non-Native learners could be available and an easy solution to employ FTF conversation in accordance to cooperative principles of the linguist