Discuss The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Qualitative Research

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The author decided to adopt a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methodology, dominated by qualitative research. Not only existing grounded theories will be studied, the author will look into a variety of case studies from an interpretative perspective to understand the realities and all possible factors making an impact. Taking account of the variety of advertising crowdsourcing projects, the quantitative elements will be used to determine the KPIs of these projects. The qualitative elements will be used to study the key metrics for projects to succeed through a variety of case studies to create an in-depth theory.
The data collection and analysis will be guided primarily by a grounded theory from an inductive perspective. Therefore, the research findings is dependent on the collection, examination and process of all data. The research question has its descriptive nature.
According to Lincoln and Guba(1985), qualitative research and quantitative research should be judged by different criteria. The trustworthiness of quantitative researches comprises of reliability, objectivity and internal and external validity while qualitative …show more content…

Both successful and failed projects will be chosen to help understand the meaning of different variables found in the quantitative research analysis and to provide examples to illuminate findings. The successful case studies are created by the marketing team of eYeka and Forrester. The failed cases come from various sources ensuring that all important subjects are covered. The secondary data is used to observe what happens in real projects and how different variables have influenced the projects. Triangulation procedures are used systematically to check the consistency of estimates of key findings obtained from two different methods and to maximize the

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