Discuss The Reasons Why There Are So Many Children Out Of Education Around The World

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There are 10 main reasons why there are so many children out of school around the world. For children in poor countries or are in conflict they may not have a school to go to or they don't have a teacher who has had experience or training to teach those children.
A lack of funding for education
Although there are developed countries willing to donate to schools in developing countries but in recent years the money provided has decreased for three years in a row. This has resulted in a 16% decrease between 2009 and 2012 meaning the aid provided is the same as in 2008. Even though money is not everything to a quality education but it is critical to the foundation of an education. This has become a serious problem which has resulted in countries not having the ability for children to have an education.
Currently, there are new donor countries who are investing money for an increase in education and their own domestic financing. The GPE is aiming to raise $3.5 billion from the new donor countries and it is estimated that $16 billion will be spent on education in developing countries to hopefully close the global education funding gap.
Having no teacher or an untrained teacher …show more content…

In some developing countries, the teachers have not been through training, therefore, resulting in children not knowing the basics of literacy and literature. Taken from Global Citizens "globally, the UN estimates that 1.6 million additional new teachers are required to achieve universal primary education by 2015, and 5.1 million more are needed to achieve universal lower secondary education by 2030." (10 barriers to education around the world, 2014) Right now, a third of countries have less than 3/4 of teachers who have been through

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