Discussion And Analysis Paper

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During our last quarterly meeting, we discussed lower-than-normal sales. Because of this problem, the sales and marketing departments have voiced their concerns about lower engagement from clients. Our marketing manager has claimed it is because we have failed to expand our target audience. As a result, we cannot keep production levels at the same rate we have currently set. This is a company-wide issue that is in need of being addressed as soon as possible, or the company will be in jeopardy of closing.

To help boost sales, I have considered options that would widen our customer base. Rebranding completely recreates the company image, a decision that is very costly. Social Media campaigns are proven effective, …show more content…

Many people have made decisions in their careers that have led individuals to dislike them. However, Mr. Gates has donated billions of dollars to charity and accordingly, has a great social presence. Therefore, consumer backlash from hiring him to our company would not be a problem. Mr. Gates is a co-founder of Microsoft Corporation, which was named 2015 Company of the Year by Business Insider. He has conducted interviews on popular news networks such as BBC and NBC. In one of the interviews, he said, “A wide customer base is a key to accomplishing a long-living business.” This proves to me he is a person whose values align with our company goals. His success with Microsoft has led to a lucrative business career. With his guidance, Microsoft has developed into a multi-billion-dollar corporation. Another drawback of hiring a corporate spokesperson are the costs. Companies have to pay for commercials, among other advertising materials. However, hiring someone with extensive business knowledge and a positive social presence would dramatically offset the costs. Hiring such a brilliant and respected businessman would also help widen our target audience. Our company currently targets millennials; but with the addition of an older individual, we can reach out to a more elderly audience. Baby Boomers all know Mr. Gates; as a result, we will attract the demographic we need to widen our target audience. Furthermore, hiring a corporate spokesperson would save the company money compared to tradition email and social media marketing

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