Disney Movie Vs Faden Essay

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Disney Studios V.S Professor Faden
Ladies and gentleman and everyone in the court today we will be deciding whether Faden is guilty or innocent of the so called act of infringement of some of the Disney Studio film snippets.
Disney Studios has always had somewhat of a ruthless reputation about protecting what is theirs when it comes to the senses of their property. The definition of fair use is that the copyright material may, under certain circumstances, be quoted for purposes such as for criticism, news reporting, teaching, and research, without the need for permission from or payment to the copyright holder. Faden decided to produce a movie called “ A Fair (Y) Use Tale” where he used for a noncommercial and educational purpose, but he did push the fair use boundaries certainly to an extent. …show more content…

For the reason being Faden made that 10 minute video unique and creative, however he did take those fair use boundaries and pushed them as far as they would go taking the risk that he could get in serious legal trouble and end up with this whole court mess. Throughout this 10 minute and 13 second movie Faden’s goal was to entertain and educate us the public on fair use and copyright laws. Faden used a total of 28 different Disney movies throughout the entire 10 minute and 13 second video. Disney movies usually average of 90-95 minutes and Fadeb used about in total 10 minutes and if you look in the fair use policy Faden did not break fair use. The time on its own is fair use since the video was used for noncommercial and educational purposes. His video also did not affect how Disney was doing on the market profit wise and he didn’t even do anything to embarrass them or make a fool out of them, he simply used the little snippets for an amazing educational