Diversity Can Be A Humanities Downfall

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Diversity can be humanities downfall or its greatest tool for victory. All people are created differently, and for this there is a reason. One must see some variety of diversity first. The United States has such a diverse population that most students come into a classroom with different backgrounds, sets of experiences, cultural contexts, and world views. This can, occasionally, be a problem for a teacher because the more diverse a student body is the more chances for learning disabilities will arise. (Kauchak 13) To a teacher every student can perceive to be on the same level when in reality they are not. Each student that is coming from different walks of life may learn at different paces; a certain responsibility rests upon the teacher …show more content…

A diverse group of people will bring different perspectives, opinions, and knowledge to a situation because each of them has had different experiences. In her research Katherine Phillips said, “When we hear dissent from someone who is different from us, it provokes more thought than when it comes from someone who looks like us.”(Phillips N.P.) The same can be said about diversity in the church. The bible says in Matthew 28:19 that Christians are called to reach out and make disciples of all nationalities, teaching them to observe all that God has commanded. Biblical truth mandates Christians are called to teach. Therefore, Christians have the same obligation to look at diversity the same way a teacher would look at it. A Christian must look at another person, no matter how diverse, and realize that not everyone is not on the same level. Each person’s walk with God will be different, but it is the teacher’s responsibility to guide them into …show more content…

The church is the body of Christ, and each member has a different function. If every member only listened, who then would speak? The church needs the uniqueness of diversity. The church needs seers, goers, and doers. If the church did not have diversity how then would the church reach out to other, diverse, nations? The church cannot be who God has called them to be with just one type of person. All people have different stories, experiences, talents, and testimonies to reach the lost. Human nature finds comfort in commonalities, but David D. Ireland said, “Comfort zones restrict your view and limit your growth.”(Ireland 5) The church must step outside of its comfort zone in order to grow. If the church does not embrace diversity there will be no growth, and where there is no growth there is no life. As Mark 3:25 says, “And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” Christians must stand together and embrace diversity. When one embraces diversity and sees that its strengths outweigh its weaknesses. Perhaps then one might see a world where diversity is not only welcomed, but rejoiced. One might even then see this diverse world as the Creator sees it, beautiful, colorful, and with and exceedingly abundant amount of