
Diversity Class Reflection

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This class has inspired me to look at ethics and cultural diversity differently. I hope that I will be able to pass on what I have learned to family and friends. The class has also helped me to understand better and relate to others that are different than myself. This understanding is important since there is diversity everywhere in our country. Although I learned a lot about diversity, I think what most impacted me, was learning there is still a lot of work that still needs to be done so all people being treated equal. I was unaware of how discrimination, prejudice and stereotype can impact different cultures and ethnic groups. As the demographics of the United States continues to change due to immigration, there is slowly more acceptance of the diversified backgrounds. I feel I now have a better understanding of the history and culture of different racial and diverse groups.

I have learned a lot about my culture, some of it is good, and some of it is bad. I am not proud of some of my Caucasian history in the United States. It goes way back to the time of Pilgrims, the way that we treated the Indians and then the Indians in the 1800’s. Also, how we treated African Americans, starting with slaves through the 1960’s. I am not proud of …show more content…

I believe that racism, discrimination, and stereotyping is done by all races and diverse groups. Sometimes a person isn’t even aware when they are being prejudice or using stereotypes. Different groups of people hang out together in High School depending on how they are labeled, which is based on their grades, race, if they are involved in a lot of sports, popularity or social class. It isn’t acceptable to associate with a group other than your own. School clubs were open to everyone to prevent discrimination, but these groups weren’t very diverse because of the limited number of students from different

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