Diversity In America Essay

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Immigrants bringing diversity and culture to the U.S:
Immigrants come to the U.S for hope of a better future for themselves and their family. Not to mention that, they help the U.S to be a stronger and diverse country. Immigrants bring so much to the U.S. For example: their culture, experience, traditions, foods, holidays etc. In the mexican culture; they carry their language, religion, and values. Religion is a big role that is played in diversity in this country. Two religions Mexican bring into the US is Christianity and Catholicism. Immigrants that come from Mexico or any part of latin america are usually very religious and have strong beliefs. Religion in the US has also grown because mexicans teach their kids about the beliefs they had …show more content…

Traditions is one way that has families come together to recognize their country. An example is here in downtown denver at Civic Center park, where they celebrate Mexican Independence Day and Cinco de Mayo. This is very important because even though we are in the United States other americans are seeing and are able to have the experience. It may not be exactly the same as Mexico but it is a "replica" of how it's celebrated in Mexico. There is also so many other types of traditions that are big in lots of families. Another tradition that is big in a Mexican family is for the girls to have a Quinceañera. A quinceañera celebrates a girl becoming a young lady; in most families they allow their daughter to have their first boyfriend once they turn 15. Theres parents that don't allow their daughter to dance before their quinceanera. The tradition in a Quinceanera is to have a mass and have the priest bless you. Many people may think it's another "birthday party", but like in most American families they celebrate the daughters sweet 16 in Mexican families it's known as a Quinceañera. The two parties are the same concept, just that one is celebrated at the age of 15 and the other at