Documentary Analysis: Fat, Sick And Nearly Dead

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In the movie, Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead 2 (2014), portrays a man, Joe Cross, who motivates people all around the world with his healthy lifestyle and how it has changed his life around. Cross meets up with experts and invites them to talk on his documentary about how to maintain the long-term effects of eating healthy and improving overall health. Traveling around the world, Cross has small events where he talks about rebooting and where he shares or an audience shares their reboot story. Reboot is a diet; basically a diet where its main function is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, lose weight, revamp energy, and improve overall happiness. Many individuals saw his last documentary, Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead (2010) and reached out …show more content…

Though for some individuals, when Cross told them that fruits and vegetables are part of a healthy diet and it should be consumed, they frowned and said that they would never eat or touch them. Most of the responses though were positive and some individuals even make sure that their kids are getting nutrition through fruits and vegetables every single day. According to Landau, “...ethical egoism really is a moral theory. It tells us about what we are morally required and forbidden to do. Specifically, it says that there is one ultimate duty--to improve your own well-being as best you can” (Landau, 2015, p. 106). Evidently, individuals chose to eat unhealthy and decided to take on the reboot diet due to their own self-interest and/or health complications. They wanted to improve themselves and they had a purpose to continue their life. In addition, “Ethical egoism claims that it is necessary and sufficient for an action to be morally right that it maximize one's self-interest” (Shaver, 2014, p. 20). There was one individual who saw a doctor develop cancer, because he was a vegetarian and decided that he, himself was going to just live happy and not even get started on eating healthy. Fast forward a few years later, he was on medications and his daughter told him that she wanted him to be there at her wedding. He then motivated himself and decided to take Cross’s reboot diet and implement it into his everyday life. Upon his daughter’s wishes, he was able to motivate himself through self-interest and get himself to a healthy