
Documentary Summary: Punch D Runk By Sammy Davis Jr.

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A quote I saw once said that “Alcohol gives you infinite patience for stupid behaviour” by Sammy Davis, Jr. Good-Morning/ After-noon I’m Kirra Lee, I’m here to talk about one of the Four Corner Documentaries called the “Punch D runk”, uploaded February 26, in 2013 by Janine Cohen and Karen Michelmore. The purpose of this documentary is to tell us about violence while under the toxication of alcohol. My thesis towards this documentary is that we drink too much and the outcome to that is us reacting upon how much we intoxicate our-self with the alcohol substance and that makes them more disobedient with getting told what to do and some may lash out getting violent towards others .This documentary is presented with a range of scenarios, the first …show more content…

The brain sergeants talk about how alcohol affects the brain and what we could end up like eventually if we don’t decrease the drinking levels, they also demonstrate how much we actually drink as a country and that they can’t shut the industry down because of how large the company has become and this is shown in several interviews. The voiceovers are presented while giving us childhood pictures of how someone may have been like or demonstrating something with photos. This documentary is biased but in a good way, expressing the hard truth about our alcohol tolerance as a country, as displayed by the expert’s opinions on the issue giving their research and evidence, saying most people can’t handle huge amounts of alcohol so they tend to get aggressive and violent towards others. They have used interviews from the family and friends during the documentary as well with the police footage of them going out and containing the area, and how difficult it gets while the night goes on and were they may end …show more content…

They also show us shocking footage of what alcohol does to us, affect us and others depending how they respond to the substance. They use voiceover and background music while they show us pictures of either how Sam fords situation was like and how he was as a kid or photographs of people on the street, in a crowd in front of a clubs. They also us interviews to demonstrate the feelings we should be expressing while watching Punch Drunk and how we feel about drinking after we have watched the text and the actions people make without fully realising it through making us more aware of the consequences. The filmmaker is known to be Janine Cohen and in this documentary she is not seen once in the making of this film, she has apparently been with the company for 40 years and was a writer for the bulletin newspaper before becoming a producer, for the four corners studio. This does not change the topic in this matter alcohol still would be a large topic in the youth today. The overall impact this documentary has had on the viewers is giving them more awareness of what alcohol does to you and how some people may react to the

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