Does Having A Scope And WBS Help Project Teams During Project Execution?

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1. How does having a scope and WBS help project teams during project execution? Why is it difficult to develop good plans? Project planning is utilized in order to achieve proper project execution. For this to happen the plans must be realistic and useful. This requires a sufficient amount of planning to go in to the project planning process (Schwalbe, 2013). People tend to cut the planning process short and not spend the proper amount of time in planning step. The planning process is often difficult, but is proven as a critical step for the effective execution of a project. (Schwalbe, 2013).

2. Name the main planning tasks performed as part of project integration management? What are the main documents created, and what should they …show more content…

It is also the longest path for which the project is to be completed, and is usually ahs the lowest amount of lines such as float and slack lines (Schwalbe, 2013). The next path is one that contains the critical tasks. This path is made up of what is known as the driving the completion date of the project. When we keep track of the critical path, the project manager along with his team are then able to be well informed and be in control when managing the project schedule. When we know the critical path of a project, the project manager along with his team are able to compress the time using what is called “duration compression techniques” (Schwalbe, 2013). By knowing this the project manager is then able to shorten the duration of the critical path techniques by providing more resources to the activities or by changing the scope of the project (Schwalbe, 2013). Overall this helps a segment of project time management. Project time management is the processes in place to help achieve a timely completion of the objective. Some of these processes include: planning schedule management, defining activities, sequencing activities, estimating activity resource, estimating activity durations, and developing the project schedule (Schwalbe,

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