Does The School Board Have Prejudice Against Technology Essay

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Does the School Board have prejudices against technology?

Since last year, educators and the School Board have been discussing if banning the use of computers would be the best idea to improve the teaching at The British Schools. This Monday 17th October, an e-mail was sent to all students saying that the use of electronic devices during class time were now forbidden because they create a distractive atmosphere in the lesson, but are they completely right?

Many people assume that the use of technology in class is the cause distraction. Although this is true, teachers can prevent this from happening in many different ways. One solution can be that students leave their gadgets at the front of the class so educators can control they are not using them to login to social media applications, and give them to their respective owner when needed. This would only allow students to use them when they ought to for doing an assignment.

Another disadvantage the School Board sees is that many programs depend on having WI-FI access when using them. However, programs commonly used by teachers and students such as PowerPoint do not require having internet access. In addition, technology provides students much more useful material than what books do. A clear example of this is that books are …show more content…

The reason for this could be that, as children and teenagers have frequent access to computers and are comfortable to use them, they feel more attracted to them than to sheets of paper, and would rise their grades achieving outstanding results by using them. However, teachers are particularly worried about the plagiarism students can make by trying to achieve higher grades. Many high schools are now teaching students how to search for information properly, which is really useful when trying to get into