Dog In The Nighttime Determination

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“You've done it before and you can do it now. See the positive possibilities. Redirect the substantial energy of your frustration and turn it into positive, effective, unstoppable determination.”- Ralph Marston. This quote by Ralph Marston reinforces the concept of when things get challenging, making the best out of the situation and using your frustration to turn it into positive energy. This can create an unstoppable determination. What if a person was not able to learn the significance of determination, would they be able to cope with their challenges? Throughout the story "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time," the main character Christopher demonstrates a strong sense of determination as he tries to solve the mystery of the …show more content…

Shear’s dog serves as a metaphor for his determination and his exploration of the truth and understanding of the complexities in his life. When the police dismiss Christopher's suspicions about the neighbor's son, Christopher takes matters into his own hands and confronts the neighbor directly, saying "I am going to find out who killed the dog because it is my responsibility" (Haddon, pg. 121). Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, Christopher refuses to give up and continues to follow leads and collect evidence without fear. This no quit mentality ultimately leads him to the truth and allows him to solve the mystery. In addition to Christopher’s investigation into the murder of his neighbor's dog, Haddon also uses Christopher's personal challenges to highlight his determination in overcoming …show more content…

When Christopher's father asks him to forgive him for lying, Christopher responds with "I will forgive you because I want to have a good relationship with you" (Haddon, pg. 272). Even when his dad has put the boy through negative thoughts and experiences, he makes the most out of the situation and ultimately learns the lesson of family first. Consequently, this leads to a deeper understanding and appreciation for each other. Overall, Haddon's portrayal of Christopher's determination emphasizes the idea that staying resilient is a key component in getting through tough times and realizing one's ambitions. Whether it is solving a mystery, facing personal challenges, or improving relationships with family, a determination is key to overcoming challenges and finding

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