
Domestic Violence In America Essay

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Domestic violence is a chronic issue that diseases the United States of America in the background of many households. Although many children and men are victims of abuse, women are the majority suffering from attacks that come from their significant others. The Church can help those affected and serve as a safe place for victims. Domestic violence is seldom talked about in communities but, with awareness and education, rates of violence can decrease around America with the help from ordinary people. Women are affected by domestic violence everyday in the United States. Domestic violence can be defined as “a pattern of assaultive and coercive behaviors, including physical, sexual, and psychological attacks, as well as economic coercion, that …show more content…

Two of these cases include the Chris Brown and Rihanna case and the Ray Rice case. In 2009, Rihanna was brutally beaten by her then boyfriend, Chris Brown, in a car after the discovery of a text from another woman on Brown’s phone (Deutsch 2). Brown threatened to kill Rihanna, punched her in the face repeatedly, and choked her after she took the keys to the car away from him (Deutsch 3). Brown pleaded guilty to a felony assault charge, which included five years of probation (Duke and Rowlands 1). Days after the incident, he commented saying that with the help of God he will become a better person (Duke and Rowlands 2). This case demonstrates that domestic violence can happen to anyone, even celebrities that are viewed as role models in the eyes of the public. Ray Rice is another famous case of domestic violence that is still talked about to this day. The incident happened in an elevator in Atlantic City, when Rice hit his girlfriend and she became unconscious (Gentzler and Romano 1). He was charged with a simple assault but the charge was upped to a third-degree assault, which is a felony. The girlfriend, J Palmer, married Rice anyway (Elliot 1). Rice attended a year long program for first-time offenders, which dismissed the case (Elliot 1-2). This case shows how women come back to their abusers, even though they clearly are wrong in their actions. These cases are only two of many incidents that occur each and every

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