Domestic Violence In America Essay

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In today's world, there will always be problems that must be worked on. Conflicts between family members in America are a growing problem, especially domestic abuse. Domestic abuse is known by many different names such as, spousal abuse, domestic abuse, domestic assault, battering and wife beating. Whatever the name used to refer to it domestic violence is a very grave and difficult problem faced by women in the United States. Domestic abuse is a complicated issue and also a controversial concerning the question whether or not it is a large problem in our society(What Is Abuse). Often times, the spouse that is being beat is very commonly afraid to speak up and make known of the abuse (Smith). Domestic violence is not a new phenomenon. For years …show more content…

One in three women and one in four men have been victims of physical violence by an intimate partner; one in five women and one in seven men have endured severe physical violence by an intimate partner. Intimate partner violence accounts for roughly fifteen percent of all violent crime. Roughly nineteen percent of domestic violence involves some sort of weapon. Domestic victimization has a connection with a higher rate of depression and suicidal behavior. Only about thirty percent of people who are injured by their partners receive medical care for their injuries (NACDV). Domestic abuse is a serious problem in our world today. If no one will stand up to the abusers, then it will never stop. The statistics will continue to rise, and more people will be afraid to come forward and end it. Abuse can lead to several serious issues in a person's life. There are many negative effects that harm the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of one's life. Many of the physical injuries sustained by women seem to cause medical difficulties as women grow