Donald Trump Hero Essay

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In the ancient greek myths, the hero follows a set path on how they are called to be a hero, become the hero, overcome their challenges, and finally return home. This is a story path that can be seen in all our favorite action movies and other modern stories. .Besides being in myths and our modern stories this story path is also found in the lives of some of the greatest real life heroes in history. A prime example of this is President Donald J. Trump.
The story begins with ordinary life and a call to adventure. Donald Trump did not begin his life as politician, but as businessman and stated in 1988 in an interview with Oprah “That he would most likely not run for president, but I am tired of seeing this country being ripped apart with bad trade deals and bad foreign policy”. This was Trump’s call to action way back in the 1980’s, but at first he refused the call, which is in line with the Hero’s Journey. He refused the call hoping that future US leaders would be strong enough and wise enough to correct their mistakes. Unfortunately, he was let down along with the rest of US people and nothing changed. Finally, fed up with the corruption and bad deals made in Washington, Donald J Trump placed his bid for the Presidency on June 16, 2015 and answered the Hero’s call after refusing for many years. …show more content…

According to NBC News Donald Trump had the support of 50% of the Republican Party. This early success did not come without it’s own set of test and challenges. He faced fierce opposition from the media, the other Republican nominee candidates, and the establishment Republicans. After months of fiery debates and media backlash Donald Trump was declared the Republican Nominee on July 19, 2016. Even though Donald Trump overcame his initial challenges his darkest moment still laid ahead in the battle against Hillary