Why Donald Trump Won The Election Essay

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There are many reasons why Donald J. Trump won the election. Trump statistically gained voters with a family income of about 72,000 dollars(Gimein). Trump embodies the frustration of the middle class(Friedersdorf). Americans are feed up with dirty politicians becoming rich while worsening the lives of other Americans(Johnston). His attitude says he doesn’t give a care(Lee). Trumps average voter doesn’t make very much. His majority of voters are not the extremely poor, but the lower middle class that thought they made the deadline of economic standard; but are still losing ground(Gimein). They are the voters who want to make money and still keep their lives in a stable economy. Most of Trumps voters are people who keep getting disappointed, and feel as if they don’t have the money to retire or help their family(Gimein). Trump won blue collar voters who fit in all the categories of someone who struggles with economics and are in the lower middle class. Trump also won GOP voters with college degrees which shows part of his supporters have …show more content…

He is someone they can trust to get the job done, and works hard to keep his promises. He effectively communicates his wants and America's needs(Freidersdorf). Most people in our country believe that our country is in a total state of failure(Freidersdorf). Trump's slogan," Make America Great Again" makes Americans want change and resolution. History always said people don’t want change, but when your country is failing you need to change something to fix the problem and that is what Trump intends to do. Trump's exuberating personality lets the middle class, who feel as if they lost their voice, speak out and feel as if they hold some sort of power over the decisions of America. Trump's policies appeal to the adults of America which also effect the young voters who appeal to his personality. A good amount of his voters came from the young voters who find his personality