Similarities Between Donald Trump And Mussolini

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John McNeil- a history professor at Georgetown University- provides a checklist of historical indicators of fascism, and the candidacy of Donald Trump’s relation to them. President-Elect Donald Trump, who has embraced what some have termed the “alt-right”, has been called a fascist by many of his harshest critics. Though there is credence to a number of these claims, McNeil makes it clear that it is not yet just to compare Trump to the likes of the brutish European-Fascist regimes that gained strength between the World Wars. The actual structure of this article is to grade Donald Trump on how alike he is to Benito Mussolini in regards to various tenants of Fascism. Though this article is written through the lens of clear non-supporter of the controversial politician, the final conclusion given is that Donald Trump can’t be definitively described as a Fascist, and only touches the surface of fascist tendencies. …show more content…

Their supporters show the belief that this leader alone can fix the problems that ail their state. Donald Trump uses his past as a successful businessman as a means of persuading that he is the only man for the job. His followers have an intense loyalty to him, because of his charismatic appeals to the concerns that they share. Trump once joked that he could “shoot someone in the middle of 5th Ave., and not lose any voters”, which is ironically an apt demonstration of the type of loyalty historically shown to fascist