Mike Cronin's The Failure Of British Fascism

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Introduction Despite the common sense believe that fascism is locked in the past before 1945 unfortunately fascists ideas and far right parties continue to exist and to affect the political scenario in Britain throughout the late twentieth century, although hardly able to sustain some success. In a context, that in few countries fascism has reached a consistent experience what explains the fact that, even having fascists groups, in Britain it has failed? Extensive studies have been done about the British fascism in order to define the constant ebb and flow of its level of success and its more likely condition to failure. Mike Cronin in The Failure of British Fascism: The Far Right and the Fight for Political Recognition utilizes the combined …show more content…

The leadership of British fascism has revolved around five key interconnected figures: Arnold Leese, A.K Cherteston, Oswald Mosley, Colin Jordan and John Tyndall. (CRONIN, 1996,