Donald Trump Vs Ted Cruz Research Paper

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After some anticipation, we have finally reached election year. The people of the United States have been entrusted to select our new leader and commander-in-chief. We have reached a point in the campaign period where we as individuals need to make a decision on where we stand and whom we support. The purpose of this essay is to identify who I think is the best person to be elected and take over the most important job in the world. I will identify who, between Ted Cruz and Donald Trump, will do a better job in the White House. The topic of debate I have chosen to analyze is the Apple vs. FBI issue. Should the FBI force Apple to unlock the iPhone of the terrorist involved in the San Bernardino shooting? Ted Cruz says that there has to be a …show more content…

Trump, Cruz’s primary opponent, takes a similar stance against Apple on this issue. Donald is a bit more aggressive than Cruz, but that’s to be expected of him. Donald commented at one of his rallies saying, “To think that Apple wouldn’t allow us to get into their cell phone? Who do they think they are?” (Prasad, A.) Trump uses both Samsung and Apple for his social media accounts and was quoted on Twitter saying, “…If Apple doesn’t give info to authorities on the terrorists I’ll only be using the Samsung until they give info” (@realDonaldTrump). He was even quoted saying, “Boycott all Apple products until such time as Apple gives cell phone info to authorities regarding radical Islamic terrorist couple from Cal” (@realDonaldTrump). Donald Trump, having similar views to Ted Cruz, also doesn’t seem to understand what’s at risk. He claims he uses an iPhone, which means he would be at risk too. He’s financial records, text messages, and all of his private data at risk of the security exploit he wants Apple to build. As the better of two evils, I believe that Ted Cruz would do a better job as president. He took a better approach to this issue and agrees that Apple should not create a “Backdoor” into iPhones, but that we should enforce the court order (Apple Insider). Trump on the other hand, took a very aggressive stance by calling out Apple, and not even considering the risk to the American people. The boycott he suggested was completely unnecessary and uncalled for.