
Donald Trump's Disgraceful Behavior

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It seems like almost every day Donald Trump comes up with a new infantile comeback to justify his despicable behavior or of those in his employ. Recently on "ABC 's This Week" Trump came under fire for Tweeting out an insulting photo of Ted Cruz 's wife, Heidi, but justified his immature Twitter tantrum by blaming Ted Cruz and lamenting "He started it", proving Trump can multi-task as he acts like a belligerent asshole and a petulant child at the same time. While barely a week goes by that Trump is not the media focus of some new act of disgraceful behavior, this week it was Trump 's campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, who is in the hot seat for an incident that happened earlier this month involving his alleged assault of former Breitbart reporter, Michelle Fields. …show more content…

Lewandowski, who was arrested on charges of misdemeanor battery after a video surfaced of him aggressively grabbing Fields, will of course plead "not guilty", because no one in the Trump camp has ever been guilty of any wrong doing, ever. After all they are great, and you 're going to love them, insert sarcasm squiggles here! On Tuesday, Trump gave an impromptu press conference from inside his gold-plated Boeing 757, where he vehemently stood up for his campaign manager and somehow twisted the laws of reality by making the convoluted argument that what law enforcement saw on the closed circuit tape of the incident, was not what law enforcement saw on the close circuit tape of the incident. In his press conference Trump egregiously distorted the facts by

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