Doyla Short Story Summary

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Greta; Actually the Missoulian and the cartoonist may be on to something. Although they have not a clue as to what it might be. In 1980 there came a man, who was not part of the establishment Our writer “Doyla ' was approximately 28 years old. { for he was born in 1952 approximately [per his profile] in the great city of San Francisco into a left wing family. That 's about all we need to know about 'Doyla. ' Returning to the man in 1980. He had a long and successful career in another field. In his past he had been a democrat. He started to vote in 1932 when he was 21 years of age. He voted for FDR four times and Truman once. After this the Democrat party started to leave him, he said he never left the (D) party. In 1960 he officially became a Republican. …show more content…

Now, back to our 'writer Doyla ' and his claim [make American hate again] when Reagan came on the scene to run against a then failed president, [Carter] the left wing media, [the only media at that time] along with the Democrat party, filled the air and the air-waves with all kinds of hate. At that time they claimed there were more moderate Republicans to vote for. e.g. Anderson, Baker, Dole, Bush. Deja Vu As our 'writer ' says,” Candidates who tried to offer a sunnier vision, Carson, Kasich and “Bush.” The 'sunnier ones ' just sat back and let the left wing rant and rave. Not Trump, he stood up on his back legs and told them 'to go to hell ' and how to get there. As Reagan ran against a failed President in 1980 and later in 1984 an earlier version of 'Bernie ' [Mondale]. We now have Trump running against, what is left of a failed president 'Obama ' a failed Secretary of State, who a majority of Americans believes, she lies and can not be trusted. But, is well loved and adored [worshiped] by the left wing MSM. Now if Hillary fails as a candidate again, they have a left-wing [Mondale] 'Bernie ' to take her place. The hate is sure to flow from the life wing as sewage flows