Donald Trump's Riddle Of Humpty

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All the King’s Horses Everyone knows the riddle of Humpty Dumpty, an egg who sat on a wall, fell, and broke to the extent that all the King’s horses and all the King’s men could fix him. One of Donald’s Trump’s main campaign promises as a president candidate was to build a wall between America and Mexico to stop illegal immigrants from entering the U.S, however he doesn’t consider the ecological effects a wall would create.
Humpty Dumpty is our ecosystem and the only reason Humpty Dumpty falls, is because Donald Trump will push him. By examining the ecological affects the wall would bring such as increased greenhouse gases, animals not being able to migrate, restricted animal mating, and possible flooding or debris build up, “Trump’s Wall” should not be built.
The first crack in the egg is caused by greenhouse gases. A greenhouse gas (GHG) absorbs and emits thermal radiation (heat). When there is GHG in the atmosphere, the gas creates a process known as the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect fractures our egg just a little more by causing the earth’s temperate to increase to a dangerous amount causing sea levels to rise, wild fires, and ozone layer depletion (National Geographic). …show more content…

The production of cement releases greenhouse gas emissions by the heating of the limestone releasing CO2 directly (“Emissions”). Trump wants a 700-900-mile wall, that would create a dangerous amount of greenhouse gas emissions. This is a big crack that can easily be prevented by not building this wall. Some, say that they can build the wall with something other than cement but that would not prevent the other problems any wall would