Donald Trump Case: California And Nationwide Construction Loan

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (San Diego, CA) California and Nationwide Construction Loans predicts a building boom for residential construction loans in the event Donald Trump wins the upcoming presidential election. Trump would create jobs and reduce regulation when it comes to mortgage and construction loans for residential new home construction. Individuals looking to obtain home improvement loans, new construction loans or loans to purchase a residence need to recognize the impact a Trump presidency would have on the country. "Trump understands the importance of the public sector when it comes to a construction loan. He often seeks zoning variances for private projects along with tax abatements and believes the government plays a role in the making of a city. In addition, he disliked the 1986 tax reforms made by President Ronald Reagan, as they eliminated various real estate tax deductions. If these items are brought back, the construction industry will benefit," Rick Gomez, spokesperson for California and Nationwide Construction Loans, announces. In addition, Mr. Trump discusses the need for more spending on infrastructure, a topic many Democrats agree with him on. The difference is Trump believes he can complete these upgrades without spending as much as the government would to undertake them. As a result, there would be more funds for additional …show more content…

The Grand Hyatt Hotel, formerly known as the Commodore Hotel, remains a popular accommodation with many while in New York City and the Trump Tower has gained fame the world over. One project, now known as 40 Wall Street, was purchased for $1 million dollars and renovated for $35 million. Today, the building is valued at more than $500 million dollars. The construction industry can learn a great deal from Trump's successes and failures, and the same holds true for those who wish to obtain a construction loan," Gomez

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