Dossey Self Assessment

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Dossey and Keegan (2016) informs us of the Theory of Environmental Adaption which emphasizes healthy environmental practices by focusing external support that promotes the healing process, such as a well-balanced diet and psychological wellness. The self-assessment questionnaire in Dossey and Keegan confirmed the Taking Charge of Your Health and Wellness survey results for my areas of weakness. Consequently, there were three challenging areas from my self-assessment; these areas are intertwined with all of them dealing with my physical health. The first is physical and nutritional scoring nine out of fifteen, in the second areas of concern, physical exercise, my score was a three out of fifteen and the last and lowest score of two out of …show more content…

I often thought it was for individuals experienced in yoga but in response to this assignment to provide self-care. I decided to explore this modularity as an option to promote health and reduce stress. My initial step was to research the required skill level via their website and I learned there were beginners, intermediate and advanced classes. Also, there was a two-week unlimited pass for only $25 for new members and a discount price of $15 for students as a drop in after the initial 2 …show more content…

Therefore, not much time left for self-care because when I was not caring patients, I was caring for my family. I slowly realized time was slipping me by and my children were growing up fast. Although I remained on staff at two facilities, in the last five years I decreased my workload to a basic forty hour week unless absolutely necessary. I reprioritized my life in an effort to spend more quality time with myself and my family. The would also allow relieve some chronic stress and hopefully decrease my blood pressure which had become borderline hypertensive. Well, with the normalization of my workload and the increase family time reduced my stress level and blood pressure. Also, I was able to work on my health; I began to workout, consume more water, and beginning to think about my eating habits. I lost one hundred pounds and I felt a renewal of life. Moreover, I experienced increased levels of energy. I had a baby several years later and the health conscious habits I formed disseminated during my pregnancy; I gain most of my weight back and have not been successful in returning to my pregnancy weight. However, my blood pressure has remained stable without medication and I continued to focus on working one full-time job, so I can maximize my family