
Dq 2 Software Development Process

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DQ 2: Software Development Process
The Software development process are a set of guidelines put in place for the building of software products. There are a number of models that have been developed for this process and each describes the approach to achieving specific tasks or activity that happens during the process. These guidelines segregate the tasks required in the development process into distinct phases or activities with the intention of achieving better project/code management and planning. Popular software development methodologies include waterfall, prototyping, iterative, incremental, spiral, rapid and extreme programming and Agile development. Atlassian and New Relic, 2013 concluded that Agile owned 34% of the methodology …show more content…

Two of the most popular approaches to the agile philosophy is SCRUM and Extreme Programming. Agile became popular because of the need to respond to requirement changes without a drastic effect on the delivery elements of the project. Laurie Williams, (2007) concludes that the cost of requirement changes in a waterfall project increases exponentially and that the solution is the adoption of Agile Methods. Agile methodologies are best suited for fast-paced, continuous and cross-silo developments.
Scrum is the most used agile development methodology by Fortune 500 companies. Scrum is an agile framework that can be molded and adapted for projects according to the requirements of the project. Scrum is a very fast moving and management intensive development framework that makes the process of development more focused and manageable.
 The Scrum framework is based on the creation of a prioritized wish list by the product driver. This wish list is called a product backlog.
 The project team then picks manageable chunks, called a sprint backlog, from the top of the wish list during their sprint planning meetings and then itemize the best way to implement the

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