Dr Waxmosnky Case Study

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Dr Saunders and Dr Waxmosnky I want to that you both for your support. Dr Waxmosnky thank you for coming and support. I listed all our team and that will be uploaded on the AACAP site. Dr. Petersen and D.r Baweja also came and that was very nice and supportive especially since there was so much going on at the same time. We did not get audience feedback but there were over 50 people by the end which is OK number . We received the positive feedback from our discussant Dr Fritz new president of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry that panel was great and from the chair of the physically ill child committee Maryland Pao who sponsored the symposia her email is included. So we survived. Few comments Presidential initiative from Doctor Fritz as the president …show more content…

• Chair told me that my boss (she asked if Dr Waxmosnky) needs to make me publish this and that Dr Fritz wants peer review publication and that all this great project if not publish cannot be use for policy planning Dr Fritz also want collaboration with the pediatrics associations at the State level and our involvement since pediatricians also have a mandate to add our service • We need to continue to collect quality measure for the program Last issue is something I hope will not sound too shallow but I think is needed for me to have a place at the table with my group. I know you acknowledged my contribution to the collaborative model we developed but since I am not CL and there is a committee for the Collaboration with medical profession I would like to participate in I would appreciate if some official title can be added to my role since they all have it. I am not asking for time or money or to be considered for medical directorship but if I can get the official leadership role of the program (Dr Waxmosnky named this and it works