Dreams In Brian Tracy's The Psychology Of Selling

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Now, that you are ready to walk with the D’s it means your dreams are getting solid and real. What next should you do? Write them down on sheets of papers. This is one act that people have so abused its simplicity. They think their brain can store up all the dreams drawn in their minds. What they forget easily is that the faintest ink is still sharper than the brightest memory. Not only that, what you write down, you visualize easily and that begins to control your mind and actions. If you have a dream, don’t wait till the next day or till you get the resources that can help you fulfill it before you write it down. Have it documented so you can always refer to it. This is because a lot of times we get discouraged …show more content…

According to Tracy, within one year, in a competitive market, this man had risen from a dead start to become one of the most successful salespeople in his field. He was eventually names as a sales superstar. Writing down your goals, dreams and aspirations can increase your drive and enthusiasm to want to achieve more and get better, as it did to that young …show more content…

I sat down one day to think and ponder upon this single, but highly, great word. It became even stronger to me because a man’s life is totally dependent on and shaped by it. The word is ‘IMAGINATION.’ More than that, I separated the word into two and from it, got “IMAGE’ and “NATION.” As if that was not enough, because I love to analyze words, for from them I draw so much an inspiration, I further got four other words from it – IMAGE IN A NATION. At this point, I was a bit more content. What I further learnt from that single word was that our imagination reflects our image in a nation. It also gives us an image, whether positive or negative, to our nation. It is that powerful. The questions that should stir up in our minds are, “What’s my daily imagination like?” “How do I imagine this life and my life to be?” “What image do I constantly give to and about my nation?” “Do people look at me and are inspired?” “Do they look at me and get their lost hope restored?” “Does their darkness turn to light as soon as I come around them?” All these rise and fall on, first, our self-imagination and then, the display of such imagination on our outlook. Of course, your in-look determines your