
Drinking And Driving Essay

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If you are trying to higher the BAC when it is already at 0.08, then are you going to not allow people who are drowsy, on medication, aging, or other conditions not drive? Driving while intoxicated is very similar as driving while you are tired. (Gregory 1). Being drowsy at the wheel can slow your time of reaction, and you can also blackout for a little bit much like driving impaired can do to you.(Gregory 1). Being impaired from alcohol is quite similar to being drowsy at the wheel, which is stated by the National Sleep Foundation. (Gregory 1). Drivers admit they have had an accident or near accident because they while drowsy or they were too tired to drive. About 168 million people say that they drove a vehicle being drowsy and more than 103 million people, have actually …show more content…

There really isn’t much of a difference. (Gregory 1). There are medical conditions that affect driving in a negative and can cause crashes. There are some things you just can't fix, especially with age. Such as slowed reaction time to things occurring on the road. An older person may not be able to respond as quickly to emergency situations as other drivers. Driving is very dangerous thing if you don’t know how to properly drive a vehicle. It is a proven fact that you can still function at an intoxication level of 0.05. What is the difference between a driver with a BAC of 0.08 and a driver who is tired, using their cellphone, on medication, aging, or has medical conditions? There really isn’t much of a difference. (Gregory 1). There are many professionals out there who believe that lowering the legal limit of intoxication of 0.08 to 0.05 would be very beneficial and save at least 500 peoples’ lives. (Gregory 1). The Law in already having troubles with enforcing the BAC of 0.08, so why not lower it and create less trouble. (Gregory

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