Drug Advertising Persuasive Essay

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Do you believe everything you see? It’s more than likely that a pill may or may not relieve your back pain, headache, cold symptoms, flu symptoms, and etc… The absurd part about this is that you don’t mind, rather you are already sold on, not what the product will cure nor its cautious side effects. Instead, the flashy devilish animations and illustrations that grab your intention and infect your mind. The negative words bolded and blown up big for your observation. Entrapped now being led in a direction, not of your choosing. But in reality, does all that really matter. Because now you are informed and ready to learn more about said drug and is it will cure said disease, pain, and or symptom. It’s up to you now whether you get informed or leap blindly forward following the direction the ad is pointing you. It’s largely debated whether or not drug advertisements should be a practiced media tool for drug companies. Only because these ads play as a double edge sword being right and wrong. …show more content…

We do this without consulting a doctor, giving full trust of our bodies well being to a medicine that could actually do more harm than it’s helping. The effect, a nation is born with “hypochondriacs with depression, bipolar disorder, GERD, Restless Legs, insomnia, seasonal allergies and assorted pain, mood and ‘risk’ conditions and it has reduced doctors to order takers”. Thanks to drug ads people now can either buy what they want with it being OTC (Over The Counter) or simply tell doctors what they want and what pill they need, coupon in hand. Companies have been seen to give pointers so if a patient does need a doctor, they know precisely what to say. The advertised drugs expensive and do not educate patients. It creates a demand for a product based on how effective the advertisement or commercial was rather the patient’s medical need. However, one might say the positives outweigh the