Prescription Drug Advertising Essay

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What are they doing in treatment conditions, why are they using the medicine and money to help to inform you I possibly think they are possible using
The medicine because People take drugs because they want to change something about their lives, it includes to fit in, To escape or relax, To relieve boredom, to seem grown up, To rebel, and to experiment.

What are they doing in treatment conditions to inform you? 44% of patients responding to a 2007 survey published Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research said DTC
Prescription drug ads helped educate them about drugs, and medical conditions, and treatment. Forty-four percent of people are responding to a 2007 survey in Clinical
Orthopaedics and Related research Direct to Consumer to consumer ads help educate
People about drugs, medical conditions, and treatments. DTC prescription drug ads tend to emphasize that drugs are used to improve health. Not many health can be improved through behavior modifications such as working out and diet. They are using ads and Tv show to get the people attention to get new medicine and people are telling them to produce the medicine that is efficient to help people in need from sickness.

Why are they using medicine and money to help …show more content…

Physicians agree that DTC has helped remove the stigma associated with health conditions DTC prescription drug ads help remove the stigma associated Direct to Consumer prescription drug ads help remove certain disease and medical conditions People are trying to make a large amount of medicine if they are in need of care because they will need a whole supply of them to help people help out there who need medicine fast and DTC help remove the stigma in certain disease and medicine supplies. The certain things may not have any supplies for genus was the name of a genus in the similarities of different organisms in a habitat which is similar to habitat in an associated inference of