Drug Testing Persuasive Essay

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Recently, a lot of students have been able to improve their lives and overcome their addictions. Drug testing middle school students is a controversial topic that raises concerns about privacy, effectiveness, and fairness. While drug use can have negative consequences, including addiction, health problems, and legal troubles, drug testing may not be the best way to address these issues. Drug testing can be expensive, time consuming, and may not accurately identify all drug use. Additionally, drug testing can create a negative and distrustful environment.

Middle school students should not be required to take drug tests since doing so can be humiliating for a student who is not accused of doing anything illegal. A child may find it embarrassing …show more content…

Particularly in light of the possibility that a positive drug test result may not be accurate because it could be a false positive result. The article, JUST SAY NO TO RANDOM DRUG TESTING: A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS states, “If schools are serious about keeping their students from abusing drugs, then they should listen to the experts – to the National Education Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry – who all say that one of the best ways to keep kids off drugs is to get them involved in school and extracurricular activities.” (ACLU.org). This detail shows drug testing in schools isn't even effective and the interpretation of the drug tests may lead to false-positive findings so it isn't always correct. There are way better ways to keep students away from drugs. Some of them include The National Education Association program, the American Academy of Pediatrics and more.The article, OPINION: Random drug testing is unnecessary and invasive claims that, “Despite the good intention to discourage substance abuse in teens and young adults, random drug testing is invasive and ineffective.”(Chaudhari). This demonstrates that there are various ways to encourage kids to stay away from drugs, but drug testing is intrusive and useless. There are more effective options available that are less expensive, safer, require less time, and permanently ban students from using illicit