Drunk Driving Persuasive Essay

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“16% of traffic deaths among children ages 0 to 14 were involved in an alcohol - impaired driving acccident”.(Motor Vehicle Safety) Every year thousands of people and families are ripped apart by drunk driving. People need to make this change. The police can only arrest so many. People need to need to stop drinking under the influence of alcohol. If we changed this so many lives would still be here today. These people were killed by adults or teens who just couldn’t be strong enough to say no to alcohol. Innocent people, driving along the road or riding in a car. You chose to not be strong enough or smart enough and get drunk then hop in your car. As soon as you sober up you’ve learned that you killed a family and ruined lives. This happens all the time around our world. “In 2015, 10,625 people died in an alcohol - impaired driving crashes”. (“Impaired Driving: Get the Facts”) After something like this happens, it will scar people for the rest of their lives. …show more content…

If you seriously hurt or killed someone this time in jail will be increased. “In 2015, nearly 1.1 million drivers were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics”. (“Impaired Driving: Get the Facts”) After everything is over with you can’t take back what happened. The best thing that you can do is tell others your story and incourage them to not drive under the influence. Anyone you could touch about his could help. You could help save lives with