Dynamic Of Conflict

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Strategies needed to understand others An important aspect of managing conflict is being able to understand others. Understanding others correlates with understanding their side of the story or conflict. Strategies needed to understand others are being empathic, satisfy their emotional needs, and have active listening ears. Being empathic is to recognize and understand the emotions of another person. Satisfying someone emotional needs is to make sure they are heard and treated with respect, and active listening ears to use verbal and non-verbal language to show you are listening.

The dynamic of the conflict Apart of understanding a conflict involves recognizing the dynamic of the conflict. The dynamic of the conflict is what people want or need from the conflict, the source, the actual level of the conflict, and how people involved responded. The dynamic explains the reason for the conflict. Recognizing the needs of the people involved in the conflict gives insights into the source of the problem. The level of the conflict …show more content…

The lowest low of conflict is problems to solve, which is often easy and sometimes are not considered a conflict. Typically people talk it over, listen to each other, make consideration, decide and move on. On the disagreement level, people realize everyone has different views, and on the next level, contest, importance is placed on whose views are right and wrong and it become intense. On the fight level, the possibility that someone will get hurt emotionally or physically arises. On the last level, intractable situation, people reached the level of no return and separate from each other. If people do not want the conflict to get blown out of proportion and reach the level of damaging relationships, it is best to tackle conflicts at the lowest possible