Dystopian In 'The Matrix'

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We have always been through critical changes that lead us to more sophisticated society. The initial change was ‘neolithic revolution.’ People started to raise crops, and they created communities. After that, the Industrial revolution happened in 18th century, and then the 3rd revolution(digital revolution) occurred. Now, the new 4th revolution is approaching. New technologies such as AI, VR, IoT, big data are emerging in fast speed. They are rapidly infiltrating into our everyday life. An important fact that we should focus on is that the speed of change is accelerating. Thus, We should be well prepared not to be swallowed by the wave of change. The mankind has created technologies. So, we easily misunderstand that we are able to control every variables that new technologies potentially have. However, according to ‘a law of inertia’, an object tends to preserve its velocity and direction. In this case, the speed of development tries to maintain its velocity. So, even if we find ethical or technological errors of technologies in future, we cannot stop wrong actions because the velocity of development will be too fast. Dystopia in ‘The Matrix’ might become reality. …show more content…

The emergence of Capitalism aroused mammonism, and smartphones turned us into ‘technology zombies.’ We lost our ability to sympathize, to have a conversation with people around us, and we lost our time to read, talk, or meditate. Even though we have so many friends on SNS, we have no one to talk to about life, or worries. We are lonely more than