Dystopian Society In Brave New World

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“A dystopia is a futuristic, imagined universe in which oppressive sociatal control and the illusion of a perfect society are maintained through control. Dystopias criticize current trends, societal norm or political systems through an exaggerated worst-case scenario.” In Brave New World, society seems to work perfectly, the citizen are controlled by the so called “world state”, they are not allowed and have never been taught to think for themselves. People are not born naturally and the idea of family is non existent, because of the biochemical technology and the Bokanovsky’s process, the world state is able to produce identical human beings (p.10 ll.4 ff.). The consequence of children being produced artificially is that there is no more …show more content…

A dystopian society is often described as one with miserable living conditions, poverty and also violence. I would not directly describe the way of living in Brave new World as miserable, the citizen have access to food, no diseases and a drug that gives them the feeling of being happy. But their way of living is not what I would call human and they do have to suffer from violence, at least as children from lower classes that are trained to like and dislike certain things (p.22 ll.6 ff.). In Brave New World, Huxley warns against dangerous tendencies in our modern world, his novel is what you could call a worst-case scenario.Even if the novel is futuristic and imagined, Huxley points out how dangerous some real aspects in our world could turn out and with that he fullfills another criteria of an dystopian